My Something New

My Something New starts tomorrow.  October 1st really crept up on me and I honestly have no idea what I’m going to do tomorrow.  Or the next day.  Or the day after that… But regardless, tomorrow, it is starting.

I’m also going to try to take a photo every day, as a part of this.  And take more photos in general.

Too bad today wasn’t the start.  I bought (pre-ordered) my first e-reader.  I’m excited.  It’s the new Kindle Fire.  And it’s very pretty 🙂

Unfortunately, I won’t get it until November 17th (ish).  One of two things will happen between now and then:  I’ll go crazy with anticipation or I’ll completely forget about it and have lost interest by the time it arrives.  I truly don’t know which way it’ll go.  I’ve put off buying an e-reader thus far because, honestly, I just love books.  But the Kindle Fire is more than an e-reader.  As one of my friends put it–it’s a cheap knock-off [of the iPad].  But I’m okay with that.  I don’t know that $200 + (for the Kindle & protective sleeve) is cheap but I guess it is cheap compared to the iPad.

Anyway.  Until next time–